A downloadable piece of dice tech

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2d6 is most commonly used to generate a sum on a bell curve between 2 & 12, but we're leaving  a lot of information generated and not collected. What else can we accomplish with a single roll of two dice? How many facets of fiction can be made from this one action? A lot, tbh, and I know this isn't all of them.

Originally poked at in my zine NO GAME, 2d6 explores the different ways to treat one roll and how you can use them to compound a single narrative action in a tabletop game.  A #techpack created for the inaugural Brain Trust Tech Jam.

This project is pay what you want. You already have tons of games that use 2d6, if you're reading this you've probably made some yourself. I'm not reinventing the wheel, but i'm telling you a wheel does more than just roll. If you combine pieces of tech from this writing into a game, please include a credit like "2d6 mechanics theorized by Adam Vass" or something less corny that still shouts me out. If you make that game of yours a commercial product, please consider coming back here and giving me a tip.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(20 total ratings)
AuthorWorld Champ Game Co.
Tags2d6, PbtA, probability, statistics, Tabletop, tech, techjam


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2d6.pdf 3 MB
2d6.png 346 kB


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One small thing: even and odd. With 2d6 you have the possibility of getting both odd (25%), both even (25%), or one even and one odd (50%). Not sure about the full implications other than for the sum: both even > even & odd > both odd (on average).


How do i get these kind of games on iPad all the mobile ones are android are Mac I’m getting sick of these stupid things there on they can just be on any device  that would make me less mad (note to website ) I love this gaming website but I please need games for iPad please it’s not like I’m Mad at you I’m just annoyed by these games


So I absolutely love the concept of 2d6 for checks and then looking at 2 d6 tables for descriptions. It's really lean and compact and the implications are beyond my imagination.


i forgot to include d6 x d6, but there are 20 permutations, 16 of which have unique results!! a result of 12 (6x2 or 4x3) or 6 (6x1 or 2x3) are the only repeats. that means 12 and 6 each have 10% chance of being the product of 2d6, every other result has a 1/20 or 5% chance (a 80% chance of getting a unique product) meaning you could effectively use 2d6 as a d20 roll for a result between 1-36

I don't understand this. Don't you get 36 results out of d6xd6? How did you get to 20 results?

since a 4x2 = 2x4, the order of the dice don’t matter, so if a red die rolls 4 and a blue die rolls 2, the result is not distinct from red 2 blue 4! 

Oh, I'm looking at dice combination, kinda! I see. Good for a game to practice math too! Haha