A downloadable game

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Not every movie is art but that doesn’t mean it can’t be good. Dozens of these

movies come out every year, some of them break records and become cultural
phenomenons. They don’t tend to have characters dying, profound human
truths, or artful shots, but they do tend to have awesome junk happen, rock
songs, big explosions, tongue kisses & high fives. Sometimes, you want to sit in
a dark air-conditioned room eating candy and snacks and that is good enough.
Naturally, the next step of escapism is to stay home and enjoy the process with
your friends in your own environment with regular priced snacks.

Presenting: Popcorn: an RPG that lets you build a Hollywood-typical 3-act story
with a group of characters who do everything they’re supposed to do on their
journey and just can’t die (unless you really want them to). Playing cards and
dice do the heavy lifting of telling you things that happen but give you enough
wiggle room for players to bend the story to their will. You & your friends can fill
in the blanks with action, jokes, or heart and make the story your own.

To play, you’ll need a handful of notecards to write down your characters on, a
shuffled standard deck of playing cards with jokers removed, and two different
types of six-sided dice (the text refers to them as Red and Black but you can
have any distinction, whether they be color, size, or even just location on your
table. You might use up to five of either type, but you can play with as few
as five dice if you don’t have more available.

Lastly, you’ll need a playset or module. These contain setting info as well as legends that will tell you the values of dice and cards specific to your chosen module. Love After The Bombs (postapocalyptic teen drama) and Cancelled (sad sack slice-of-life in Hollywood inspired by Seinfeld and Bojack Horseman) are included here and listed as free demo files.

note: if you purchased a playset from any other designer for at least $5, send a screenshot of your purchase to axv@worldchampgame.co and I'll send you the core rules for free! an ongoing collection of playsets is available here.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
AuthorWorld Champ Game Co.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

popcorn rpg zine.pdf 1.2 MB
love after the bombs playset.pdf 639 kB
cancelled playset.pdf 711 kB
Popcorn Playset Guidance.pdf 73 kB

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